Upon the passage of this Bill, Digital Sextant is officially renamed "Cotton Eye Riley".
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
polls close, 1a4f passes, polls open
Like the title said. Happy recruiting, everybody!
Posted by
10:32 AM
Labels: status
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Rule 1A4F: Recruitment
Upon the passage of this bill, all players who voted "yes" in favor of it are hereby designated as "Recruiters." Recruiters are granted maximum blogger privileges, in that they will be set to "admin" mode on the blogger control panel by the current Administrator of Nomiblog. However, while this gives them the technical ability to edit things like crazy, even things posted by other players, they are honor-bound to not abuse that power. In fact, the only use they are allowed to make of these greater access privileges is to invite and add new players.
Whenever a new player posts for the first time ever, the Recruiter who first invited them to nomiblog may reply to that post and indicate that they recruiter said player. As a reward for their recruiting efforts, they may claim up to 3 different resources. Resources are defined as points, items, titles, or statuses created by other rules (or repealed former rules) and documented in the right-hand column. The actual administrator of nomiblog will then update the right-hand column to match the change.
For example, a recruiter could say "I recruited him, so gimme a Parrot, a Baronial Title, and a Bacos." R_b_bergstrom, upon becoming aware of such a request, would alter the scorecard to reflect those changes.
Posted by
8:08 AM
Labels: all rules, rule#1a4f, vocab: Recruiters
16 and 28 pass
Laws 16 & 28 both pass unanimously, 1 vote to zero. Interestingly enough, the author of bill 28 didn't even vote on it.
+1 point to r_b_bergstrom, +1 point to Digital Sextant.
r_b_bergstrom's egg is thrown at Kevin, per rule 16. Kevin gets Egg On His Face.
Then rule 16 splits 28 points between all egg-throwers. Turns out it's just me, since no one else voted.
Then rule 28 gives +1 point to r_b_bergstrom for using the number 28 in bill 16.
Well, that sucks. I really didn't do that intending to get 30 points. I was hoping for maybe 16, more likely 11, with similar totals to other voters. 2008 is not looking like a good year for Nomiblog. Voter apathy is at an all-time high.
Posted by
7:52 AM
Labels: status
Friday, January 11, 2008
Rule # 16: oeuf et corneille
When casting their vote for or against this bill, each player may indicate one player, non-player character, or non-player, other than themselves, to throw an egg at.
Upon the passage of this law, all eggs are automatically thrown, and everyone who was targeted shall officially get egg on their face. Egg remains until the next time your Bacos are sucked.
Players so egged, may choose instead to eat crow. To do so, they simply post on nomiblog anytime in January, notifying the Master of the Small and Pointless that they too are eating his bird. This action protects them from the egging (and retroactively prevents it) though it increments the parrot count of Small in a negative fashion.
The throwing of eggs is a good thing, and shall be rewarded with 28 points, divided between all the egg throwers evenly, rounding down. This award shall happen at the moment of throwing.
28 QI'yaH shall likewise be distributed between all bird-eaters, again dividing evenly and rounding down. This award shall happen at the end of the month.
Posted by
12:53 AM
1 votes/comments
Labels: all rules, january08rules, rule#16, vocab: Eggs
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Rule #28: Twenty Eight
#28. Twenty Eight is hereby dubbed the heroic number. People using the number twenty eight in their bill posts receive one point, regardless of whether their bills pass or not. This rule shall not apply to itself, but if it passes, it shall apply to all other bills posted this week or hereafter. (In other words, the author of this bill does not get a point for using twenty eight in this bill.)
Posted by
9:25 PM
1 votes/comments
Labels: all rules, january08rules, rule#28, vocab: Heroic #
New week
This week, nothing was proposed, nothing was voted on, and nothing changed. Game on!
Posted by
5:52 PM
chrip... chirp...
Posted by
Master of the small and pointless
10:50 AM
Labels: chirp
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Rules Reset
Pursuant to rule #12,345,678 all rules repeal themselves (except for #’s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and #12,345,678). Stuff gained via those rules remains, but loses all meaning.
Then votes are tallied. There’s one bill on the table, #85: Le Raccordement Français. It gets adopted unanimously (1 to 0). All bills now score double QI'yaH if they have French titles. However, bill passage no longer scores QI'yaH, so Rule #85 doesn't do much.
So, the points stand at 1 to 0 to 0 to 0 to 0 to 0 to 0, with Digital Sextant being in the lead.
(Since Rule # 909 has been repealed, what was QI'yaH are again points, and passing a bill no longer generates QI'yaH. While the rules have reverted to calling points “points”, they were for a while known as “QI’yaH”. They were gained under that title, and the Rules that granted them were written featuring the term “QI’yaH”. Rule #12,345,678 clearly states that existing QI’yaH remain as QI’yaH. Hmm. Perhaps another bill is suggested by this situation? It would seem we have multiple currencies, with Points using the Federal Reserve and QI’yaH now filling the role of the defunct gold standard).
All old posessions and titles remain, though they no longer have substance or meaning. The administrator is now tasked with cleaning up old links and labels to properly reflect the existing rules. A new week dawns (I think it's 10).
Posted by
12:46 PM
Labels: status
slacking admin
Crap, it's a day later in the week than I thought it was! Polls are closed.
Posted by
12:31 PM
Labels: status
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Rule #85: Le Raccordement Français
85: Any Bill posted with a French title (including this bill) is worth double QI'yaH to its creators if it passes into ruledom. If it fails to pass, the creator of the bill is obligated, at the penalty of losing 2 QI'yaH, to post a note of surrender within one week of the vote tallying.
Posted by
2:14 PM
Labels: all rules, january08rules, Rule#85, vocab: QI'yaH
Beware the werestrom
I just got back from an extended trek through the vast wastes of Nomiblog, sorry for my absence. I fear that it may already be to late. It seems the werestroms may have already taken out all of Nomiblog. Things look rather dead and sedate here. If you have gone into hiding due to these beasts please come out. In the next day or so I intend to photograph and rid us of these foul beasts. It will not however not be until the closing of the current week so hopefully I can retain my position for another week. Even if this position is rendered useless due to the wiping of the rules monthly I still intend to hunt and rid us of these beasts. See you in a day or so.
Posted by
Master of the small and pointless
8:51 AM