This bill empowers the plebes andnobles of Nomiblog, by allowing them to form violent militias that increase the power of their voting. Upon the passage of this bill, and at all times thereafter, all players are granted an infinite supply of rank and file troops. Below are the details...
XIIIa1)Each player may, once per week, on a single bill or lineage, force their vote to count as multiple votes by means of military force, also known as "troops".
XIIIa2)To do so, they simply mention in their vote comment a phrase to the affect of "and my troops will back me on this".
XIIIa3)It doesn't have to be that phrase exactly, but it must be fairly clear that they intend to use their troops or else the vote only counts as a normal vote. (This does not limit other rules or powers, such as those of a Baron, from modifying votes)
XIIIa4)The troops are assumed to vote identically to their master - If you say "No, and my troops support me" then your troops say "no" as well.
XIIIa5)Troops themselves are assumed to be infinite in supply, but only a small number will turn up at the polls to vote, as described in sections XIIIc through XIIIh.
XIIIb)Should someone invoke their troops twice (or more) in the same week, their troops will become confused and not assist any vote. This means all their votes fail to gain the bonus of military force that week.
XIIIc)Troops need armaments to be effective. Therefore, the bonus votes granted cannot exceed your supply of Swords at the moment before votes are tallied.
XIIId)Troops are rowdy and tend to talk dirty. Therefore, the bonus votes granted cannot exceed your supply of QI'yaH at the moment before votes are tallied.
XIIIe)Troops do not follow the meek. If your Cowardice exceeds your Swords or QI'yaH, your troops will not add to your votes.
XIIIf)Use of force has it's limits. Regardless of your inventory of Swords and QI'yaH, your troops cannot increase the power of your vote beyond a factor of +5 votes.
XIIIg)The Master At Arms for the week gets the maximum troop bonus (+5) in any week that they fullfilled the duties of that title. They gain this full bonus regardless of QI'yaH, Swords, and/or Cowardice.
XIIIh)Should a rule or power double (or otherwise multiply) a vote, it does so BEFORE the application of the troops. So a Baron (with 5 each of QI'yaH and Swords) voting "yes" would get (1 x 2) +5 votes, for a total of 7, not 12.
XIIIi1) In regards to the section XIIIa3, the administrator at the time of vote-tallying is the final judge of clarity. They also are in charge of determing the number of votes granted via troops, pursuant to the dictates of sections XIIIa through XIIIh. The administrator is compelled (and required) to be honest and fair.
XIIIi2)The penalty to an administrator who violates the "honest and fair" clause of part XIIIi1 is a fine of 5 Swords, a fine of 5 QI'yaH, and the bestowal of 1 level of Cowardice.
Examples: As of 4:30 on 11/30/07,
Master of the Small and Pointless has no Swords, so his troops are powerless.
The Baron has a sword, but negative QI'yaH, so my troops are also useless.
Brother Andrei has a level of cowardice. He would need to raise his Swords and QI'yaH each to 2 (at least) in order for them to assist his voting.
Kevin has 1 Sword and 3 QI'yaH. Therefore, he could invoke his troops to add +1 to his vote, making it effectively a double-vote.
Ulaire has neither swords nor QI'yaH, and his troops are powerless. Ulaire is the Master at Arms for the week, however, so he(?) could temporarily boost it to +5 by performing his(?) duty as M-a-A. It doesn't matter whether he(?) fulfills the role before or after invoking the troops, as long as it's the same week.
So basically, the troops add (to any one of your votes each week) a number of bonus votes equal to the least of 5, your Swords or your QI'yaH, as long as that number is greater than your Cowardice.
Yes. It renders me quite happy to provide my plebes, citizens and freemen with an infinite supply of troops to do their unseemly bidding.
I doth even invoke my Baronial powers to maketh this "yes" vote happily count double.
I do so with a salute and a smile.
Yes. How confusing!
Yes - Troops are good! Mine will wear latex and always be disco dancing.
In effect it's simple, but I did word it a bit too confusingly.
In a nutshell: Once per week, you get to make one of your votes count as multiple votes. To do so, you say "my troops will back me on this" or something similar. The administrator will figure out how many votes your one turns into.
Parts XIIIa-b say the above.
Parts XIIIc-h provide the mathematical system by which the administrator figures out how many votes your troops grant you.
Parts XIIIi keep the administrator honest, so people don't have to track their own troop totals (such as if they don't have the time for it)
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