Thursday, November 1, 2007

What the heck is this?

Welcome to This is the future home of an ongoing game of Nomic played via the means of a multi-person blog. Nomic is a strange and goofy game, akin to Blank White Cards, Fluxx, or Calvinball in that the rules continue to change as it is played. Nomic is a lot of fun, but for some reason webpages about it tend to have a very dry encyclopedic look, so you'll find no links here. Some nomics start with a bunch of complicated rules, setting up mutable and immutable rules and a complicated numbering scheme. I wanted to avoid that, but sadly the dictates of the blog medium are such that a number of things had to be put in writing.
What's the minimum rules to start a Nomic with?
A. The players are (insert names).
B. New rules pass by simple majority.
I think we'll have to modify those simple two rules with some bloggish parameters. Browse the blog to see what we've got.

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