Monday, December 3, 2007

Rule #15: Wenceslasmas

15: In light of the deepening winter, Nomiblog shall hereby celebrate Wenceslasmas, in which members of Nomiblog demostrate their affection for one another through the direct and verifiable giving of QI'yah and other possessions as gifts.

15a. All players of Nomiblog are obligated to go into debt to give Wenceslasmas gifts. Players are obligated to give away one more QI'yah than their current total.
15.a.1 Players may substitute possessions (such as swords or Parrots) in place of QI'yah at a rate of 1 QI'yah per possession. (For example: a player with 4 QI'yah must give away 5 QI'yah OR 4QI'yah and one sword).
15.a.2 Players may substitute "blessing the poor" for 2 gifts by posting a long description of their service on Nomiblog.
15.a.3 Players with a negative QI'yah score when the week starts must give at least one QI'yah worth of gifts OR take part in 15.a.1 or 15.a.2

15b. Players announce their gifts as a reply to another post created in mid December by the author of this bill. Players MAY NOT read the comments on this reply before they designate their own gifts (they should use the "jump to comment form" link to minimize accidental viewing). Honor system, people!

15c. Players may choose to give some or all of their gifts to a charity of their choosing. Gifts given to a charity are gone.

15d. Players who do not post a gift tally are dubbed "Scrooges" and lose half (rounding up) of their accumulated QI'yah as penalty. The confiscated QI'yah are donated to charity.

15e. The gift exchanges are tallied by the administrator and occur at voting time during the week the donor post is created.


rbbergstrom said...

Yes. In the spirit of the season, I shall happily virw ====

...excuse me. Ulaire Toldea jumped on my lap while I was typing.

In the spirit of the season, I shall happily vote yes on this bill, even invoking my baronial powers of the almighty double-yes.

Though I must curmudgeonly declare that I feel as though I am happily stepping into a trap in so doing.

I am reminded of the old adage "traps can be quite happy and pleasant, especially in nomiblog", and I will be happy to test that timeless proverb at least this once.

Kevin said...

Yes. And seeing how I am a scrooge and like giving to charity I will not be giving out any gifts this year. So there! :p (that's a guy sticking his tongue out at you, btw)

Kevin said...

*The following is a paid advertisement.

Looking for the perfetct gift idea?

Tired of getting the same old thing for Wenceslasmas?

Then vote Yes on Bill #84 and give all of your friends/ enemies a Parrot for the holidays!

They talk! They squak! They always agree with whatever you say!

Vote Yes on Bill #84!

Master of the small and pointless said...

Yes - this does seem like a mistake does it not. Giving... bah humbug.