Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Rule # 5-oh Police State

Once during their appointment, the Master-of-Arms may appoint a Sheriff. The Sheriff's job is to police the masses.

11a: The Sheriff may, once per week, declare any one thing or action to be "illegal" and a "crime against Nomiblog". Note that this rule does not specify any consequences for commiting or posessing anything deemed illegal. Future rules may further define what this means and any cosequences thereof. It falls upon the Adminstrator of Nomiblog to maintain a list of all things that are illegal, in either a series of summary posts or a list in the sidebar of the blog.

11b: The position of Sheriff lasts until the current Master-of-Arms appoints a new Sheriff. There may be no more than one sheriff at a time. When a new sheriff is appointed, the old one loses the title and all privilages associated with it.

11c: The Master-of-Arms is specifically prohibited from naming themselves as Sheriff. Likewise, the Baron is specifically prohibited from naming the current Sheriff, Master-of-Arms.


Kevin said...

Yes. I'm so proud of my blatant plagiarism! In fact, my troops are so inspired by my audacity that they are behind me fully in this vote. (That's +6 btw)

Master of the small and pointless said...

No - Soon there will be no citizens and only people in charge. We are such a small and lazy community.

rbbergstrom said...

I almost voted against this, and would have used my troops to do so.

Then I noticed that bill 5-oh has subsections starting with 11. I liked that enough to abstain.