Monday, November 26, 2007

Rule #Negative26: Inflicting Frag

The administrator has edited the colors of this post. Everything that is currently suppressed by this rule itself is currently in a darker and less readable color. The color change has no official effect, it's just intended to help make the rule more immediately understandable by eliminating clutter.

In summary: This bill is designed as an alternative to Bill #26. It discourages bill alteration by inflicting Frag. The details are quite excessive and, well, detailed. In a happy nutshell: If you alter a bill, you gain 1 frag per vote/comment previously placed on that Bill. If you have more Frag than QI'yah, you can't vote "no" to anything. There are clauses stating that if both this rule and Rule #26 pass, rule #26 wins out. The rest is mostly inside jokes.
#Negative26A: Should a bill numbered 26 be passed, all players receive one Frag. This effect applies even if that bill is passed at the same time as this bill (#Negative26) is passed.

#Negative26B: Should a Rule numbered 26 exist, the remainder of this bill (meaning parts #Negative26C, D and so forth, but not parts #Negative26A or #Negative26B) is suppressed until such time as there is no Rule #26. When there is again no #26, should such occur, the suppressed parts become active again, and all Frag imposed by part #Negative26A are cured.

#Negative26C: Whenever a player edits or alters a bill they had previously posted/published within Nomiblog, they gain one Frag for every comment that was on that post at the time of the editing. They are required to tally their own Frag, to tally it honestly and correctly, and to own up to it and detail their own tally in a comment added to that post.

#Negative26D: Players whose positive Frag exceeds the absolute value of their QI'yaH may not vote "No" to any rule or lineage. They may still abstain from voting.

#Negative26E: His Majesty the Baron shall, upon the passage of this Bill into Law/Rule, go back in time and post explanations of Frag to his other blogs. Since such explanatory posts can already be found here and here, we can assume this rule has passed and will pass. And it makes us most happy.

#Negative26F: There is a rubber chicken resting upon the pipe above the door to Amy and Kevin's home. It has been there since Thanksgiving. The Smithy may line-item-veto part #Negative26F by simply replying to this post with a comment that starts with the word "Chicken" and details where and when they moved the rubber chicken to. If they do so, the Administrator will be required to delete part #Negative26F of Rule #Negative26 (if such a rule exists, which part #Negative26E proves it does), no doubt self-inflicting Frag on the Adminstrator for every vote/comment on this post at the time.

#Negative26G: This part exists simply to highlight that there is or was a part #Negative26F, which may or may not still exist at the time you first read this Bill or Rule.


Master of the small and pointless said...

No and Ouch! I must have a very small brain? I think I like the idea of this but I would have to read it 8 times to get all the juice out of it.

rbbergstrom said...

Yes. Doubly-so and happily-so since I am Baron and am invoking my power.

And it's no use voting against it. Plenty of evidence exists proving somehow this rule has already been approved.

rbbergstrom said...

To aid smaller brains:
This rule simply says that if you alter your bills, you get one point of Frag for every vote on that bill.

If you have more Frag than QI'yaH you can't vote "No".

There's a bit at the front intended to make sure that this rule doesn't create a contradiction with Amy's rule #26. If both get voted in, everybody gets a point of frag and then this rule is suppressed in favor of Amy's

The rest is just inside jokes amongst me and my Chronies. I make jokes because I'm happy.

Kevin said...

This post makes my ears hurt and my nose bleed.

Kevin said...

Yes. with ...each...word....I...feel....frag....ears...poppoing....dizzy....hands....disappearing....damn I'm gonna regret this...

digital_sextant said...

Yes. Not because I like this bill, but because I am an aficionado of bills with numerous clauses.

Ulaire Toldea, Messenger of Morgul said...


(As you feel compelled to count this as a "yes" vote, you also feel compelled to hide in the bushes, off the beaten path. We like blood very much, and anything that makes the noses of the hobbitses bleed, is welcome.)