Thursday, December 13, 2007

Administrative Summary of Week 6

2 bills were proposed.
Rule #Zero: Intent Trumps Wording was passed, 3 to 1. Only one person chose to express a vote on sub-clause 0d. 1 of 3 is not a simple majority, so the Baron is not penalized.
Rule #63: Simplicity was passed, also 3 to 1.
QI'yaH totals adjust: +1 to Baron, +2 to Pointless, -1 to Baron.

Then Rule Zero kicks in. It goes back in time and removes Ulaire's level of Cowardice. It suspends certain parts of itself. It grants a sword to Small. Then it reads Sex's excellent comment to Pointless's sword request, and goes back in time again to remove the sword it just granted, because it realizes it doesn't have the power to move posts, just the ability to fix wordage. Various QI'yaH totals adjust, then re-un-adjust. Speaking of which, Rule zero also goes back in time to alter the begining of non-Bill 55, part 2: It changes the name from Rule 55, part 2 to Bill 55, part 2. Then it tallies the votes. A messy battle ensues, from which Digital Sextant's Assistant-At-Arms emerge victorious. Whew - this game is complicated!

Rule 55, part 2: Smithy Duties was passed, 7 to 6. That's two players for, two against, plus 5 troops for, 4 troops against. QI'yaH totals adjust: +2 to Digital Sex, -1 to me.

No lineages were posted, so I again retain control (such as it is) of the Barony. How happy this doth make me!

Less than half the players are found to have Cosbified, and so it rolls over and no names are added to the roster of the Junkyard Gang.

The QI'yaH totals rest at 9-6-3-3-1-0-0. 1 parrot and 4 swords exist. The realm has been successfully defended from Pirate Kitties and Smurfs.

It is now week 7 (I think. I may be happily confused), and players may begin posting bills again.


Master of the small and pointless said...

Why is it that the Bron acquired +1 QI'yaH when rule #63 went through?

rbbergstrom said...

That line includes the QI'yaH totals of both #Zero and #63.
+1 to Baron, +2 to Pointless, -1 to Baron.
I gained 1 QI'yaH for Zero, then lost one for 63. My total adjustment per that line was nil.

digital_sextant said...

Why does the Baron lose a point for #55, part 2?

Anonymous said...

Braap! Lose a point! Braap!

Master of the small and pointless said...

Oh I know that one!! Pick me pick me. It is because for every bill that passes the writer of the bill gets 1 QI'yaH from the Baron Rule #10. I am assuming by "point" you are referring to QI'yaH.

digital_sextant said...

Thanks! And yeah, my pet name for QI'yaH is points. Sometimes I'm so fond of them I can't help but use that name.

Anonymous said...

Braap! Can't help but use it! Braap!