Thursday, December 13, 2007

Rule #42: On the Promotion of the Arts and Culture in Nomiblog

42: We hereby recognize that the cultural lifeblood of Nomiblog will be better served through shared opinions of art.
42.1: Once per week, each player may post a 100-word review of a film, book, play, album or other piece of culture. Players are encouraged to start their post with the word "review" and not to exceed 100 words.
42.2: After the review has been posted, other players may comment and should mention if they are "Familiar" (have read, seen, etc.) with the review subject.
42.3: When no other player indicates Familiarity with the subject, the Arts Council of Nomiblog gives the reviewer 1 QI'yaH for a "Worthy" review.
42.4: Every tenth week (starting with week 10), the Baron names a new "Reviewer Laureate." The Laureate receives 2 QI'yaH for reviews instead of 1, but must post Worthy reviews each week to keep his/her title.


Anonymous said...

Braap! Must post Worthy reviews! Braap!

Master of the small and pointless said...

yes - Some clarification for me though. The bill says "may post a 100 word review" then is says "not to exceed 100 words". I assume this means may post "up to" 100 words but not to exceed 100 words?

digital_sextant said...


Clarification: You're right, I intended to yield reviews of 100 words or fewer.

Anonymous said...

Braap! 100 words or fewer! Braap!

rbbergstrom said...

Yes. This would give me something new to read on a regular basis, and that makes me happy.